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Essembly Alumni

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AlofRI's Reward Points: 3294

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument The racist Democrats at Facebook label video of black people as ''primates''
1 Added Argument Can you spot the mistake? 20 years fighting the Taliban, walk off & give them weapons.
1 Added Argument Go woke go broke. That includes America the nation
1 Added Argument Who is vaccinated?
2 Added Argument Should the 'unvaxed' be left to die of covid-19 in specially insulated quarantine cells?
1 Added Argument Should the 'unvaxed' be left to die of covid-19 in specially insulated quarantine cells?
1 Added Argument Why were the Taliban able to bloodlessly take over Afghanstan so quickly?
2 Added Argument Who should replace Donald Trump as leader of the Republican Party?
1 Added Argument What do you feel Biden has done better than Trump, if anything
1 Added Argument Who's gonna be around in 2022, the UNVACCINATED party or the VACCINATED party?
1 Added Argument Democrats looking to tax you for every mile you drive.

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