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Del71163's Reward Points: 112

Points When What Where
0 Added Argument What FUCKERY IS THIS?!??!
1 Added Argument SA6 Are youths today more rude than before?
1 Added Argument SA6 Are youths today more rude than before?
1 Added Argument SA6 Are youths today more practical than before?
1 Added Argument SA6 Are youths today more practical than before?
1 Added Argument SA6 Are youths today more fortunate than before?
1 Added Argument SA6 Are youths today more fortunate than before?
2 Added Argument Morality of Statism and Anarchism
1 Added Argument Marrying a man for his money makes you a hooker!
1 Added Argument Should we Care?
1 Added Argument I, RandomDude, have passed 1000 points!
1 Added Argument If you had to choose a pet from this list, what would it be and why?

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