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Del71163's Reward Points: 112

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Was there *really* a "Big Bang"?
2 Added Argument What new features do you want on CreateDebate?
1 Added Argument Can hackers be stopped?
1 Added Argument Are you okay how much the government is watching you
1 Added Argument Are there any people that left that I should look for?
1 Added Argument Can we control our dreams?
1 Added Argument Can we control our thoughts?
0 Added Argument If an omnipotent creator exists how is it possible for it to grant free will?
1 Added Argument If the Boondock Saints came to life, would you be for or against them?!
0 Added Argument How can you objectively prove that your consciousness exists?
1 Added Argument Could America go to war with China?!
0 Created Debate If an omnipotent creator exists how is it possible for it to grant free will?
0 Created Debate If there is no meaning of life then are you actually dead?
0 Created Debate How can you objectively prove that your consciousness exists?
10 Added Argument MIRACLE - Medjugorje apparitions of Virgin Mary
4 Added Argument ������������������������������
5 Created Debate ������������������������������
4 Added Argument ������������������������������
5 Created Debate ������������������������������
4 Added Argument                                 
5 Created Debate                                 
4 Added Argument  
5 Created Debate  
5 Added Argument MIRACLE - Medjugorje apparitions of Virgin Mary
2 Added Argument Doing shrooms, sniffing glue, licking toads, should we all try everything at least once?
0 Added Argument Love/Hate: Which feels more passionate at its peak?
0 Created Debate Love/Hate: Which feels more passionate at its peak?

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