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Essembly Alumni

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Delta's Reward Points: 1348

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument A Candy Bar Dilemma
1 Added Argument Cloning Humans
1 Added Argument What is your religion?
1 Added Argument What time do you usually sleep at?
-1 Downvoted Argument What a shock, the Democrat party supports forcing businesses to pay $15 minimum wage!
-1 Downvoted Argument What a shock, the Democrat party supports forcing businesses to pay $15 minimum wage!
-1 Downvoted Argument What a shock, the Democrat party supports forcing businesses to pay $15 minimum wage!
1 Added Argument Global warming.... it still snows in the winter, so we're cool, right?
1 Added Argument What would be the best thing someone gave you?
1 Added Argument Legalization of Recreational Use of Marijuana
1 Added Argument should museum entry be free during summer holidays?
1 Added Argument Should black people dress like Cecil the lion in case they get shot by a cop.
1 Added Argument If Someone makes 2500 posts in just a couple days?
1 Added Argument I got 1999 points so tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999.
1 Added Argument Are singular war heroes deserving of their titles?
1 Added Argument DO YOU SUPPORT RACISM??
1 Added Argument Is Religion/Spirituality Healthy?
2 Added Argument What would you name your child?
1 Added Argument Would you consider this prostitution?
1 Added Argument Where are you from?
1 Added Argument Goku and Superman
1 Added Argument Would you support Donald Trump for President?
1 Added Argument Freedom of speech
1 Added Argument even scientists don't agree.

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