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Essembly Alumni

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Jungelson's Reward Points: 3955

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Should stem cell research be considered as an ethical practise?
1 Added Argument Not entering some other peoples debates
1 Added Argument Own Nothing. Have Everything
5 Added Argument How Do You Drink Your Coffee?
1 Added Argument What is the Healthiest Water out there?
4 Added Argument Should stem cell research be considered as an ethical practise?
2 Added Argument Defying God
3 Added Argument If You Knew Then What You Know Now?
1 Added Argument Do you want a taco truck on every corner?
3 Added Argument Does Andy have alt accounts?
1 Added Argument Should ads be removed from Youtube?
1 Added Argument While election day is 3 months away, if you had to vote today, who would you vot
4 Added Argument This line about god cracked me up!
-1 Downvoted Argument This line about god cracked me up!
9 Added Argument When I die I want the aftermath to be like Gene Wilder's
5 Added Argument Trump Vs Hillary
1 Added Argument Trump Vs Hillary
1 Added Argument Are Olympics a waste of money?
1 Added Argument What Has Trump Sacrificed?
2 Added Argument Would you stay with a spouse accused of rape and dozens of affairs? Just use common sense.
1 Added Argument Another Barack Obama failure has come to light
2 Added Argument If you vote for a criminal like Hillary, you are an accomplice. Deny it all you want.
4 High Rated Argument Satanism vs Christianity
1 Added Argument Who is your favorite philosopher?

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