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KarlMarx-'s Reward Points: 25

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument What is Good about Socialism?
-1 Downvoted Argument Which side is for state control again?
6 Added Argument What is Good about Socialism?
1 Added Argument Mums suck
2 Created Debate blue tactics vs red tactics
5 Created Debate How I lost my last girlfriend
0 Created Debate If you can't tell the difference between exact opposites, fuck off out of my kitchen
6 Added Argument Which side is for state control again?
3 Added Argument Which side is for state control again?
5 Created Debate Which side is for state control again?
1 Added Argument Do Conservatives Feel Any Shame About Their Long Term Commitment To Evil?
1 Added Argument Was being the FIRST to fire our nukes EVER our policy??

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