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Mahollinder's Reward Points: 900

Points When What Where
0 Added Argument Qymosabi vs white privilege
2 Added Argument If a child is compensated, what is the need for child labor laws?
1 Added Argument should we get rid of money
0 High Rated Argument Is it time for Whites to honor "ALL" parts of the Constitution?
3 Added Argument The Obama Administration is Racist
0 High Rated Argument Is it Healthy for Gays to adopt and raise a child?
2 Added Argument Where was President Obama's constitutional authority to fire the CEO of GM?
1 Added Argument Britain didn't need Americas help to win the war(WWII)
1 Added Argument Will more gun control only create a larger black market and more violence?
5 Created Debate What does it mean to be civilized
0 Added Argument Is it Healthy for Gays to adopt and raise a child?
0 Added Argument Is it Healthy for Gays to adopt and raise a child?
0 High Rated Argument What's worse: catholic church next to elementary school or mosque@ground zero
0 Added Argument What's worse: catholic church next to elementary school or mosque@ground zero
4 High Rated Argument Obama
1 Added Argument Everyone is evil and I have proof
1 Added Argument Handsome people live easier lives than ugly ones.
1 Added Argument What is the worst way to die?
1 Added Argument Is Social Security a pyramid scheme?
2 Added Argument If you could have a superpower would you rather be able to
1 Added Argument Whats the best womens only sport?
1 Added Argument Why Hillary Clinton did not invite Barack Obama to her daughter's marriage?
1 Added Argument Do you want to play a private match on Modern Warfare 2?
1 Added Argument What is the most effective political system?
5 Added Argument Communism can never work.
1 Added Argument Would You Pose Nude For An Art Class?
1 Added Argument What Is Your Favourite Thing To Do Nude?
0 Added Argument Is it time for Whites to honor "ALL" parts of the Constitution?
0 Added Argument Is it time for Whites to honor "ALL" parts of the Constitution?
0 Added Argument The UFC is legal so...why isn't a fist fight?
2 Added Argument budget cuts or increased revneue
1 Added Argument Will an Uncircumcised Christianity Survive?
1 Added Argument Can the market properly evaluate the worth of a job?
10 Added Argument Political correctness is a joke
5 Created Debate Can the market properly evaluate the worth of a job?
4 Added Argument The reason liberals lack logic...
1 Added Argument Proof that liberals are illogical
3 Added Argument Do Americans have the right to universal healthcare?
1 Added Argument Technological Advancements has been at the expense of human relationships
1 Added Argument Technological Advancements has been at the expense of human relationships
-1 Downvoted Argument President Obama suing the state of Arizona
1 Added Argument What Would You Do If Aliens Came The This Planet?
0 Added Argument Adam and Eve....were African
1 Added Argument Should all men be depressed that Megan Fox is now married or not?
1 Added Argument Is Obama overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure?
1 Added Argument what is the best way to get to sleep
1 Added Argument Most liberals are atheists therefore God is a conservative
5 Added Argument Affirmative Action: Good or Bad?
1 Added Argument What makes a film great?
2 Added Argument Child Circumcision
1 Added Argument Why is soccer the king of sports ???
1 Added Argument Who are the best band in the world?
2 Added Argument The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
1 Added Argument Democrecy the real way to solve people's needs....
2 Added Argument If the death penalty was cheaper than imprisonment, would you be for or against it?
1 Added Argument congradulations to all 2010 graduates
1 Added Argument Why is the public fascinated with celebrities? Is it envy?
2 High Rated Argument Taxation is Legalized Theft
-1 Downvoted Argument Taxation is Legalized Theft
10 Added Argument Taxation is Legalized Theft
1 Added Argument Faster than Light Travel
3 Added Argument Are teen mothers to blame for welfare?
1 Added Argument If you won a lifetime supply of something of desire, what would it be?
1 Added Argument Roman Legionnaire vs. Spartan Hoplite
1 Added Argument The U.S. government works against/ignores the constitution?
5 Created Debate Beautiful people: got any work done?
1 Added Argument Is Obama "Making or Breaking" the U.S?
3 Added Argument Can Perceived Reality be differentiate from Actual Reality?
1 Added Argument Is Fox News fair and balance?
1 Added Argument Is the confederate flag racist? or is it heritage?
1 Added Argument Can any country defeat China if they went to war against them?
1 Added Argument Is Big Foot Actually Snorlax?
1 High Rated Argument Should teachers carry guns in schools?
4 Added Argument Does God exist?
1 Added Argument Should school teachers have to wear school uniform?
1 High Rated Argument How do you stand on racial profiling?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why do you think there are "black people" if god made Adam and Eve and they are both WHITE
1 Added Argument Why do you think there are "black people" if god made Adam and Eve and they are both WHITE
1 Added Argument Religion is the opium of the masses.
8 Added Argument How do you stand on racial profiling?
1 Added Argument If you try to fail and succeed, what have you done?
8 Added Argument Irony of atheist
1 Added Argument Should a man, even after gender reassignment, be declared a 'woman'?
4 Added Argument Should gay marriages be allowable?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should gay marriages be allowable?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should gay marriages be allowable?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should gay marriages be allowable?
0 Added Argument Is this a fair and accurate statement of liberals?
1 Added Argument Should teachers carry guns in schools?
5 Added Argument Obama
2 High Rated Argument Who is hotter: Alison Brie or Megan Fox?
3 Added Argument The End of History
5 Created Debate The End of History
1 Added Argument The Best Classical Composer
1 Added Argument Is there absolute truth?
1 Added Argument Is it illegal to make upskort videos?

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