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Negligentt's Reward Points: 397

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Women and Men will never be equal
4 Created Debate What unites a truly 'secular' country?
2 Created Debate Do people with amnesia ever switch parties because they forgot?
1 Created Debate Do Liberals think having sex with your sibling is okay as long as you pull out?
1 Added Argument Serious debate: Funny GIFs, yes or no?
1 Added Argument Serious debate: Funny GIFs, yes or no?
3 Created Debate The Democrats have decided they are the new hawkish party
1 Added Argument Any Atheist theories on how our reality began?
1 Added Argument Was 2Pac The Black Jesus?
1 Added Argument Should everyone have to call Transgender people by their pronouns?
2 Added Argument Can Socialism work? If it can, should it?
5 Created Debate Can liberals put into words what they stand for?
5 Created Debate Any Atheist theories on how our reality began?
1 Added Argument There is an ongoing Coup against President Donald Trump
1 Added Argument Should creationists have a say in our school system?
3 Created Debate Trump should make English official language of the U.S.
0 Added Argument LA paid illegals 1.3 billion in welfare in 2 years
2 Added Argument The race card quit working so liberals came up with a new buzz word... 'fascism'
1 Added Argument Do students become liberal due to liberal professors, or due to education?
2 Added Argument Do facts have a liberal bias, or are alternative facts better?
2 Added Argument What should the Trump Wall be like?
1 Added Argument The cure for Liberalism is for the Right to simply stop giving a ----...
4 Created Debate There is an ongoing Coup against President Donald Trump
-1 Downvoted Argument What's happening to Create Debate ?
5 Created Debate We are seeing the largest conspiracy in U.S. history unravel b4 our very eyes
2 Added Argument New York City is why people come to the US
2 Added Argument Who is your favorite presidential candidate?
1 Added Argument What is your Ideal Tax Rate
2 Added Argument Is it OK to punch a Nazi?
5 Created Debate What should the Trump Wall be like?
2 Added Argument "Randomness" Does Not Exist in Reality
1 Added Argument The outlaw vs. the excon
2 Added Argument Should Donald Trump build a wall
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Donald Trump build a wall
10 Added Argument Should Donald Trump build a wall
2 Added Argument When liberals make us Venezuela, we'll fight for capitalism back
0 Added Argument If god hates gay people, why did he create them?
1 Added Argument Trump threatens to give Congress the very healthcare they won't appeal
0 Added Argument A White liberal waitress demanded I eat KKK bread
2 Added Argument Is shooting a fleeing suspect in the back self defense??
2 Added Argument Obama's big accomplishments? Obamacare and Gay marriage...
0 Created Debate A White liberal waitress demanded I eat KKK bread
1 Added Argument Will future robot teachers be democrats or republicans?
2 Added Argument Jeff Flake on Trump, "There are TRUTHS that are self evident"
1 Added Argument Wanting a Muslim U.S. President isn't diversity/tolerance. It's pure ignorance
1 Added Argument Wanting a Muslim U.S. President isn't diversity/tolerance. It's pure ignorance
1 Added Argument If someone is drowning and you refuse to help, are you responsible for his death
0 Created Debate Even Liberals know that Obamacare was and is trash

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