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Negligentt's Reward Points: 397

Points When What Where
1 Created Debate Liberals are Nationalists supporting their brand of Nazism
3 Added Argument Talk about FECKLESS.. Right wingers have EVERY branch of government, but CAN'T pass bills
5 Created Debate Bill Clinton, Liberal hero, Donald Trump, Liberal zero, but why?
1 Added Argument Trump supporters STILL support him, even after he FAILS. I dunno WHY. Do you??
3 Created Debate All Muslims are extremists according to... Muslims
0 Created Debate Michael Moore praises Norway, forgets a few things...
4 Created Debate Libs push Darwinism until it is not politically expedient to do so
4 Created Debate If future lib President is mass tweeter, mass tweeting will be cool to the left
1 Added Argument If Trump committed a crime before he was elected, can he be impeached for it now?
5 Created Debate Trump made correct decision on transexuals and military
1 Added Argument Trump LOSES his base by DISSING AG Sessions. But, he get's 'em back by DISSING transexuals
2 Created Debate Are animals Socialists or Capitalists?
5 Created Debate MSNBC lying over and over and over and over. Fake news.
5 Created Debate Why do many Black people think racism isn't a problem?
1 Added Argument Does Brontoraptor have a life outside of createdebate
1 Added Argument Inner cities are the new Democrat Elite plantation
3 Added Argument Colleges not allowing Conservative ideas or speakers to speak is Totalitarianism
-1 Downvoted Argument The difference between the left and the right? We can take the heat. You cannot.
1 Added Argument The difference between the left and the right? We can take the heat. You cannot.
1 Created Debate You and I have no gender, so quit persecuting me as male because I quit the sex
5 Created Debate California isn't a state anymore. It's the new nation called
5 Created Debate You don't think America should come first? Then fly your ass to Pakistan.
5 Created Debate The difference between the left and the right? We can take the heat. You cannot.
1 Added Argument Do you have a RIGHT to pee?
1 Created Debate Liberals have forgotten what feminism is. Self empowerment. Not power from men.
4 Added Argument Helping Liberals that are stressed by Trump to cope and heal...
2 Added Argument In The History Of The Internet, No Conservative Has Ever Defeated Me In Open Battle. Why?
1 Created Debate Humans are the worst or best of all creatures on Earth
5 Created Debate Helping Liberals that are stressed by Trump to cope and heal...
2 Added Argument Is there something physically wrong with Trump?
1 Added Argument Let's say Trump pardons Don Jr, Kushner, Flynn, Manafort, Ivanka, and HIMSELF..
1 Added Argument Christians appear willing to sacrifice YOU in their upcoming religious war
1 Added Argument If you BELIEVED that you couldn't be killed in war, would you be afraid to start one?
1 Created Debate Is it hate speech to call Donald Trump supporters names?
2 Added Argument Do you have a RIGHT to pee?
1 Added Argument If you were a fine young Catholic lad, which bathroom would be MORE fearful to use?
1 Added Argument Political and historical ignorance
1 Added Argument Carbon dioxide levels cross 400 ppm threshold more "Fear Mongering" by the Left
1 Created Debate Californians think they're better than everyone else & should make the rules
0 Created Debate The world is a mirror image of what the Bible predicted the end would look like
1 Added Argument Russian Collusion of the Day
2 Created Debate Why don't liberals ever scream for a Native American President? You sorry bastards.
0 Created Debate You're White, Black, Asian, Arab, African? Now get off my lawn.
0 Created Debate Don't let politics make you crazy. We'll be dead before it all goes to complete
1 Created Debate I crawled inside someone one time
2 Added Argument Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study
2 Created Debate Is it sexist/racist to portray WWII as having been fought by white men?
3 Added Argument If there are no genders & I can get sex change, why is insurance higher for men?
2 Added Argument Am I Liberal or Conservative ?
5 Created Debate This was the greatest finish to any college football game in history
3 Created Debate Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners
3 Added Argument Can Trump pardon himself?
1 Created Debate Liberals when they hear the word Russia
2 Created Debate The music of the 90's is the best of all time
2 Added Argument Should all humans be required to have three eyes?
2 Added Argument Liberals don't understand Conservatives because...
1 Added Argument Liberals don't understand Conservatives because...
0 Added Argument Russian lawyer was with Obama team member 8 days after Trump Jr meeting
0 Added Argument Russian lawyer was with Obama team member 8 days after Trump Jr meeting
1 Added Argument Do you love Yeshua as your God?
2 Added Argument Is the human male penis a serious weakness that needs to be removed?
-1 Downvoted Argument Liberals have no gas left in the witch hunt of Trump chamber
9 Added Argument Liberals have no gas left in the witch hunt of Trump chamber
5 Created Debate Liberals don't understand Conservatives because...
1 Added Argument Should parents be allowed to design their babies?
6 Added Argument Why Is The Belief That Jesus Is Still Alive Not Considered A Mental Illness?
2 Added Argument The right wing government CAN'T pass a right wing agenda. Wassa matter with them?
1 Added Argument I get that right wingers think Trumpcare is GOOD for the country.. I just don't know WHY.
5 Created Debate Obama handed Trump $19 trillion in debt. It's still $19 trillion.
0 Added Argument The Democrats should change from a donkey to one of their real symbols
1 Added Argument Creating affordable health care for all is INCOMPATIBLE with modern conservative ideology
1 Added Argument Is religious belief a choice?
2 Created Debate Atheism is what happens when you jerk off too much
4 Created Debate Dont turn atheist or you'll wake up ball-less
1 Created Debate Dont turn atheist or you will become a rat man
5 Created Debate Atheists can stop whining leave Christianized nations & live in Islamic nations
1 Added Argument Should Christians be allowed to run for public office?
1 Added Argument Is there a "god" that is capable of and is active in influencing the lives of humans?
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument Why Do (Mainly) Conservative Americans Still Deny The Controlled Demo Of The WTC Buildings
0 Created Debate Facebook blocks Pro Christian video
2 Created Debate Wood you eats this?
2 Added Argument We could beat Conservatives if not for liberal stance on Islam
1 Added Argument Ants are Muslims, once they convert they die
0 Added Argument Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan Muslim said that Obama was a Muslim
0 Downvoted Argument Atheism is nonsense. The fine tuning of the universe argument
0 Downvoted Argument Atheism is nonsense. The fine tuning of the universe argument
0 Downvoted Argument Atheism is nonsense. The fine tuning of the universe argument
0 Downvoted Argument Atheism is nonsense. The fine tuning of the universe argument
0 Downvoted Argument Atheism is nonsense. The fine tuning of the universe argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Atheists can't separate God and religion
-1 Downvoted Argument Our INFRASTRUCTURE is BROKEN. Trump PROMISED to fix it. Do you believe him??
-1 Downvoted Argument What's it sound like in Heaven?
5 Created Debate Would liberals want to be multicultural with space aliens?
-1 Downvoted Argument Who's more compassionate, liberals or conservatives?
2 Added Argument God cannot possibly be omniscien, omnipotent, master and creator of all things

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