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PookaWooka's Reward Points: 173

Points When What Where
0 Added Argument Who is this DoctorMarken person and why won't they send me to Spain? ;)
1 Added Argument Will there be another great depression?
5 Added Argument Do girls increase their risk of a sexual assault,if they wear explicit dresses?
1 Added Argument Ive been on vacation did i miss anything important?
4 Added Argument Would you ever worship Satan for fun?... The kinky kind of fun...
5 Created Debate Would you ever worship Satan for fun?... The kinky kind of fun...
0 Added Argument you were right, i am sorry.
2 Created Debate Just one more little video before bed-time?
5 Created Debate What is more important in life?
0 Added Argument What song reflects your mood right now? This one is mine. ;'(
1 Added Argument Should there ever be a female Doctor Who?
1 Added Argument internet
2 Added Argument Is hacking computer games good?
5 Added Argument How Many Websites Have You Been Banned From?
7 Added Argument How many people like YOU?!
5 Added Argument What attitude do you take to your haters?
5 Created Debate What attitude do you take to your haters?
2 Added Argument Does the Illuminati control the music industry?
1 Added Argument Does the Illuminati control the music industry?
1 Added Argument Education can be used to disguise a lack of intelligence......
2 Added Argument Should major criminals be used to test medication rather than animals?
1 Added Argument Could I be better informed than a professional philosopher?
1 Added Argument Does Bradley Manning deserve his sentence?
1 Added Argument Education can be used to disguise a lack of intelligence......
0 Added Argument What is the point in being religious? Religion will not protect you.
3 Added Argument Priest Talks about Illuminati Control over Religion, & No Hell LOL.
3 Added Argument If you were the Christian God, and Jesus were your flesh and blood, would you...
3 Added Argument God told someone to come pray for me. OMG
8 Added Argument let's just chat here: I'll set it to private. It stopped me messaging.,
5 Created Debate let's just chat here: I'll set it to private. It stopped me messaging.,
5 Created Debate Does the Illuminati control the music industry?
0 Added Argument Guidance With regard to Cellular Program Designers
0 Added Argument Guidance With regard to Cellular Program Designers
2 Added Argument Would You Ever Elope With a Person From The Internet?
1 Added Argument Should Crazy People Be Allowed on the Internet?
1 Added Argument What is a typical welcome speech for a university?
5 Created Debate If you were the Christian God, and Jesus were your flesh and blood, would you...
3 Created Debate What is a typical welcome speech for a university?
2 Added Argument You should lose points the longer you are away
1 Added Argument Which religion should I join?
1 Added Argument Is the Gay community hiding something?
1 Added Argument Which end of the banana do you peel from?
1 Added Argument Is it right for a police officer to kill except in prevention of a fatal offence?
1 Added Argument Will World War III happen?
6 Added Argument What would you do during a mass shooting?
0 Added Argument Do you agree with "Live free or die."?
2 Added Argument Intelligence (IQ) Scores ,By State, World, Religion & Politics
7 Added Argument Intelligence (IQ) Scores ,By State, World, Religion & Politics

Results Per Page: [12] [24] [48] [96]