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PresTaft's Reward Points: 43

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Vladimir Lenin Good Man Or Bad?
1 Added Argument It is possible to be antichristianity without being antichrist.
3 Added Argument It is possible to be antichristianity without being antichrist.
-1 Downvoted Argument Should creationism and intelligent design be taught alongside evolution?
1 Added Argument Would You Vote for a Fat President?
10 Added Argument Should creationism and intelligent design be taught alongside evolution?
2 Added Argument Teaching Creationism is Child Abuse
1 Added Argument Will Nuclear Warfare become inevitable?
2 Added Argument War with North Korea imminent?
2 Added Argument Prodigee vs his haters. (Fat guy = Hellno)
5 Created Debate War with North Korea imminent?
1 Added Argument Gun grabbers please look at this chart
1 Added Argument Has The Spotlight Series Ended?
2 Added Argument Is it time for a Revolution?
2 Added Argument Being optimistic is just setting yourself up for disappointment!
1 Added Argument Prodigee - Colombia versus Hellno - North Korea
1 Added Argument Egyptians or Chinese?
1 Added Argument Constitutionalist sheriffs stand up for our rights
1 Added Argument FDR's Second Bill of Rights: Necessary or Madness??

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