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Tanked's Reward Points: 109

Points When What Where
2 Created Debate Adam Schiff knew all along there was no Russian collusion
2 Added Argument Flynn again.. Is lying to the FBI a crime? While under oath, is lying to a judge a crime?
1 Added Argument New documents directly implicate Biden in the Obamagate Scandal
5 Created Debate Obamagate is not a conspiracy theory
1 Created Debate The Democrats who claimed evidence of Russia collusion testified under oath there was none
5 Created Debate Mel Gibson:’The Only Reason Liberals Hate Trump Is They Hate God’
1 Created Debate The View ignores Reade's Biden allegations after championing Kavanaugh accusers
5 Created Debate Food riots, violence and looting break out in Venezuela and South Africa
5 Created Debate Media caught lying about what Trump said again
5 Created Debate Are you for the NWO post Coronavirus or against the NWO post Coronavirus
5 Created Debate Clinton Foundation under serious investigation
1 Created Debate Facebook to steer people who read the WHO's being wrong will be steered to the W
1 Created Debate Where are Gamergate's ethics in journalism now?
3 Created Debate Seven women have now accused Joe Biden of inappropriate touching
1 Added Argument Trump Administration First In History To Label A White Supremacist Group Terrorists
0 Added Argument What drug was being used by the author of the book of revelations?
5 Created Debate Greta Thunberg: How dare you. Coronavirus: Hold my beer
3 Created Debate Mexican Protesters Block Border Traffic, Tell Americans to ‘Stay At Home’
1 Added Argument If I contract the Corona Virus - will your prayers and thoughts cure me?
3 Created Debate Illegals fleeing to Mexico to escape Coronavirus
1 Added Argument mX5wuS
1 Added Argument If I contract the Corona Virus - will your prayers and thoughts cure me?
1 Created Debate Hollywood actors aren't getting their normal attention, and are melting down
3 Created Debate Rachel Maddow beclowns herself once again
-1 Downvoted Argument How would Bernie Sanders have dealt with Coronavirus?
-1 Downvoted Argument How would Bernie Sanders have dealt with Coronavirus?
-1 Downvoted Argument Coronavirus death toll: Is COVID-19 fulfilling Bible prophecies of Revelation
-1 Downvoted Argument Coronavirus death toll: Is COVID-19 fulfilling Bible prophecies of Revelation
-1 Downvoted Argument How would Bernie Sanders have dealt with Coronavirus?
-1 Downvoted Argument Bernie Sanders praising Fidel Castro is reminiscent of Nazi Germany
-1 Downvoted Argument Bernie Sanders praising Fidel Castro is reminiscent of Nazi Germany
-1 Downvoted Argument should we be able to be whatever gender we want?
-1 Downvoted Argument Bernie Sanders praising Fidel Castro is reminiscent of Nazi Germany
-1 Downvoted Argument Will the antichrist, be a Muslim?
5 Created Debate If you tax the rich into oblivion, they'll just raise your rent
5 Created Debate If you didn't know who was President, you'd vote for the last 3 years again
1 Created Debate Countries burrito calls Socialist, reject minimum wage
5 Created Debate Sword deaths are out of control
1 Created Debate We need common sense leftist control and reform
3 Created Debate Liberals wake up thinking about race

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