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TheAshman's Reward Points: 2298

Points When What Where
6 Added Argument DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD
1 Added Argument Ban boxing!
1 Added Argument TheEccentric is one angry Buddhist
0 High Rated Argument Ding Dong Is The Witch Really Dead?
1 Added Argument Will the UK Independence party lead to the rise of Fascism?
1 Added Argument Why do so many school shootings happen in America?
3 Added Argument Buddhism is not a religion
1 Added Argument Who has the more traditional English accent?
1 Added Argument Would you vote for an Atheist presidential candidate?
6 Added Argument Who has the more traditional English accent?
1 Added Argument What is the true meaning of life?
1 Added Argument What are your thoughts on nihilism?
2 Added Argument Weed: Good or Bad?
1 Added Argument Did Steve Martin Really Need to Apologize for "Offensive" Tweet?
1 Added Argument Public announcement: Charlotte's Web Marijuana stops seizures. Low on THC - high on CBD
1 Added Argument The Mustache
1 Added Argument IS Tupac Overated
1 Added Argument Why aren't there any verses in the Bible describing Jesus' appearance?
1 Added Argument Should We Praise 'Celebrities'?
3 Added Argument What do you think of when you hear the term "Industrial Music?"
1 Added Argument Do you believe that there will be a rapture?
1 Added Argument Do you believe that there will be a rapture?
1 Added Argument Is Jesus White (AKA The Megyn Kelly Santa Debate)
1 Added Argument Is this statement true?: "One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter"

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