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Essembly Alumni

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Tim17's Reward Points: 103

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Are specialized restaurants better than buffets?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are specialized restaurants better than buffets?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are specialized restaurants better than buffets?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are specialized restaurants better than buffets?
1 Added Argument Are specialized restaurants better than buffets?
2 Added Argument What is better pc or mac?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should gay marriage be allowed
10 Added Argument What is better pc or mac?
3 Added Argument Should the age for smoking and drinking be lowered down?
4 Added Argument Should gay marriage be allowed
1 Added Argument should the use of cellphones banned by students in all school
1 Added Argument Legalize Marajuana
3 Added Argument Is homosexuality wrong?
1 Added Argument McDonalds Gross?
5 Added Argument Religion
-1 Downvoted Argument ios 5 vs Android 4.0
4 Added Argument ios 5 vs Android 4.0
10 Added Argument Is the school uniform a good or bad idea?
2 Added Argument McDonalds Gross?
8 Added Argument ios 5 vs Android 4.0
1 Added Argument Should Contries Prevent Smoking ?
5 Added Argument Is the school uniform a good or bad idea?
5 Created Debate ios 5 vs Android 4.0

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