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Joecavalry's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Joecavalry's arguments, looking across every debate.

You know, I did hear that Achilles' heel was a tight piece of ass ;)

Really? I must have dozed off during that part of his speech ;)

Who said that he was going to bring the troops home and then he expanded the war in Afghanistan?

Don't forget the liar that expanded the war in the other place ;)

Yeah but Saddam dissed his dad and you can't let that go unpunished ;)

Or even the current president. I mean, he has expanded the military abroad.

Ah, the good old days. No wonder we left them behind .......... ;)

I have no idea. All I know is that life was simpler way back when I was younger. What happened? ;)

If any of those people that kicked out of the military were cunning linguists, then this would not have happened ;)

That's too bad because I like cheerleaders ;)

I also liked the Allah Ak-bar joke and I haven't even had my morning cup of coffee ;)

The link to the video does not work. It must have gotten someone fired up. ;)

Oh, I can summarize my personality in just a few words. I'm a little Shiite that likes to get people "fired up" ;)

This is like a walk down memory lane ;)

Man do these debates bring back memories. Mainly because I have old timer's disease and can't remember crap. ;)

Well dig deeper. This debate is only 200 days old. I've been here for over 600 days. You might find a gem or two ;)

They don't bury survivors.

My God! You had to dig deep to find this old debate ;)

One change that immediately comes to mind is that it would give a whole new meaning to the rank of Rear Admiral ;)

Burnout Paradise

Dead or Alive IV

Wii bowling



I guess there are a few of you out there that wouldn't want me to live for ever and feel that down voting is help you achieve this goal ;)

I would chose this option in a heart beat. I would spend my time learning different things like how to play an instrument.... after learning everything there is to learn about computers. ;)

Man! It's getting so that you don't know what you're getting anymore. Fake boobies, fake hee haws. We need certificates of authenticity. ;)

Have you seen the new plumbing of a man who became a woman? If so, does it look like the real thing?

I guess I'm looking for the definition of a man. I mean, does having a fake penis make you a man?

You know, that sorta makes sense. I mean, men have been saying that fake boobs are just as good as the real thing. I think it's about time women started saying that a fake penis is just as good as a real penis when it comes to making you a man. Men are defined by their penis (whether that penis is real or not is besides the point). ;)

I know. I'm not trying to force anything where it doesn't fit. We need new words and I'm soliciting for ideas for new ones.

Assigning words to a specific meaning is a human traight. If you like, I guess we can give up on language and just grunt. You know, like Tim Allen on that show, "Home Improvement." We can be like, "Huh?!" But the sentiment would still be the same, confusion, so... ;)

I miss the good old days when there was no CD and I didn't have to ask these questions ;)

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