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Joecavalry's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Joecavalry's arguments, looking across every debate.

This is like a walk down memory lane ;)

Man do these debates bring back memories. Mainly because I have old timer's disease and can't remember crap. ;)

Well dig deeper. This debate is only 200 days old. I've been here for over 600 days. You might find a gem or two ;)

They don't bury survivors.

My God! You had to dig deep to find this old debate ;)

One change that immediately comes to mind is that it would give a whole new meaning to the rank of Rear Admiral ;)

Burnout Paradise

Dead or Alive IV

Wii bowling



I guess there are a few of you out there that wouldn't want me to live for ever and feel that down voting is help you achieve this goal ;)

I would chose this option in a heart beat. I would spend my time learning different things like how to play an instrument.... after learning everything there is to learn about computers. ;)

Man! It's getting so that you don't know what you're getting anymore. Fake boobies, fake hee haws. We need certificates of authenticity. ;)

Have you seen the new plumbing of a man who became a woman? If so, does it look like the real thing?

I guess I'm looking for the definition of a man. I mean, does having a fake penis make you a man?

You know, that sorta makes sense. I mean, men have been saying that fake boobs are just as good as the real thing. I think it's about time women started saying that a fake penis is just as good as a real penis when it comes to making you a man. Men are defined by their penis (whether that penis is real or not is besides the point). ;)

I know. I'm not trying to force anything where it doesn't fit. We need new words and I'm soliciting for ideas for new ones.

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