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RSS Ahmalsabag

Reward Points:4
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2 points

How often do bombings on an airplane occur? If this was an everyday thing then we might need to start profiling. Why would profiling be justified if sexism and and racism and any form of predigest aren't. In reality we are looking for where the person appears to be from and the way they dress and their gender. Profiling will take time. What if a 5'4 black boy was in their profile and I was quickly trying to catch a flight? They might tell me to come with them and I would have to go through questioning which takes a lot away from my time. If someone were to fit in their profile and they caught him, how will that effect the person emotionally? It will make them feel like the person they are is not good enough and they have to go through extra security because of the way they look. If I was a terrorist in America (which for some reason in America everybody thinks they have to be from an "Arab" country) would I really dress up like an Arab or would I try to look like everybody else? It doesn't even guarantee that they will find a terrorist. People who are good terrorists are trained to not look suspicious anyways so how does profiling even help?

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