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Essembly Alumni

Hmicciche's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hmicciche's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

With Essembly back on-line, no one is here or on Essembly 2.0.

1 point

This is a good music video?

Logan Lynn: Feed Me to the Wolves

First tract of the first album of Portland-based alternative electro pop artist Logan Lynn on the Dandy Warhols label.

Showing on MTV's Logos channel

One of the top 10 videos selected in 2009 by the staff of the MTV College Blog.

Available on Comcast video on demand.

Directed and produced by my daughter and her company "Bystander Productions"


Logan Lynn: Feed Me to the Wolves
1 point

Please feel free to inquire if Essemby Alumni member mdurrettuk is a Alum.

I've already determined that your ally TERMINATOR is not. Should we now ban him or should we welcome him like we would welcome a new member on Essembly?

I'm changing the description of Essembly Alumni to "People who took part in Essembly -- or wish they could have." That will accommodate any new folk and let them know that we have a particular history of which they should be aware.

What is the point of using the term "Zorachian" without folks having been exposed to the real Zorach? Would anyone get it?

1 point

Well, the group was set up as a convenience for those who wish to make "Essembly Alumni" exclusive "resolves" and also so I could learn the workings of CreateDebate debate communities (what Essembly would call a "group"). It will thrive only if it meets a need. But I see your larger point. Why bother with all this discussion about how to set up a "group" that may not be used.

2 points

Are there no lesbian Arab translators in the military?

Also, say "cunning linguists" in Arabic, and I will forgive this bad bad joke.

2 points

Hahaha. People on this site are going to wonder what "Zorachian" is. You should provide a link to the urban dictionary entry for it.

Is it Zorachian? No. the common perception is that Atheists are Anti-god. Ask around and see if I am right.

2 points

Marriage is a civil union. Lets work this backwards. Is marriage a union? Why, yes. In fact, one of the definitions of union is marriage. [1]

What then is the definition of "civil"? One definition is "not religious: performed by a state official such as a registrar rather than a member of the clergy" [2]

Wait a moment. Am I claiming that marriage is not religious? Well, let me ask you this. Where do you go to get a marriage license? To your local Hari Krisna Temple? And where do you go to get divorced? To the Scientology Center where they do away with your "until death do us part" vow before God and absolve you of going against the command "What God has joined together let no man put asunder"? No, you go before a judge.

Some people choose to have a marriage ceremony in a religious institution. But it is not necessary. Neither is it sufficient. You are not legally married without a license from the government.

In fact, well before religious institutions performed marriage ceremonies, "traditional marriage" was a "common law" marriage. After people lived together long enough, they had the legal status of a married couple. It was religion that moved in on what before was a purely civic matter.

In the debate about same-sex marriage, some folks say, "Let them form civil unions instead and leave marriage to the religious." Um, no. Some marriage ceremonies are religious. But all marriages are civil unions. If some religious institution wishes to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies, that is up to them. However, it is up to the government to give same-sex couples the right to marry.

Remember. Same-sex couple want equal rights, not equal rites.



2 points

It's to a cheerleading scene from the movie. Oh well. sorry about that.

My bad Allah Ak-bar joke didn't work either. It's a bad morning.

2 points

"For the girls and for the glory."

Shitte huh? Would you like to invest in this new candy I plan to call the Allahu Ak-bar? It will be like Snickers, but when you bite into it, it blows itself up.

Fired Up!
2 points

i was part of the Essembly debate site for 3 years until it died last month. People could vote on old debates, but the site never notifed you of the new activity. You had to click back tons of pages and scan all the debates to see if there was a new vote. This site is much better in that regard. I'm running out of new debates to comment on, so I'll be exploring old ones. It helps get a sense of people's interests, concerns and personalities here.

2 points

Done. Not sure I found the oldest, but found one plenty old.

2 points

He's are not she's

And there is nowhere a debate can hide.


2 points

That's obvious.

The Price is Right.

But to make it more interesting, the losers should need to be spayed or neutered.

Supporting Evidence: "Come on down!" (
3 points

The proper question is "If a lesbian has a sex change operation, is HE still a lesbian? HE. Not she. Sheesh.

Here is a much more important question. If a plane crashes right on the US/Canadian border, where are the survivors buried?

1 point

Move the earth farther from the sun, obviously. Then we can continue living as we are, without regard to the long-term damage we are causing, until we create yet another immanent global disaster.

2 points

Everyone's doing the reincarnation bop

Once you start

You'll find it hard to stop.

Everyone's doing the reincarnation bop

Once you start

You'll find it hard to stop.

Everyone's doing the reincarnation bop

Once you start

You'll find it hard to stop.

Everyone's doing the reincarnation bop

Once you start

You'll find it hard to stop.

Everyone's doing the reincarnation bop

Once you start

You'll find it hard to...

2 points

"no ageing involved"

Oh...good thought! You can help advise me when I work out my contract for eternal life, so to speak.

2 points

Would you now?

Would you now?

Would you now?

Would you now?

Why much going to funeral?

Why much going to funeral?

Why much going to funeral?

Why much going to funeral?

2 points

This post is an edited version of the one found at the link


If atheism is the absence of belief in gods, then many Buddhists are, indeed, atheists.

Buddhism is not about either believing or not believing in God or gods. Rather, the historical Buddha taught that believing in gods was not useful for those seeking to realize enlightenment. In other words, God is unnecessary in Buddhism. For this reason, Buddhism is more accurately called nontheistic than atheistic.

It’s not just belief in gods that are irrelevant to Buddhism. Beliefs play a different role in Buddhism than in many other religions. Buddhism is a path to “waking up,” or being enlightened. Merely “believing in” enlightenment and nirvana is pointless.

Some medieval Christian mystics argued that it is incorrect to say that God exists, because existence amounts to taking a particular form within a space of time. God has no particular form and is outside of time. Therefore, God does not exist. However, God is. That’s an argument that many of us atheistic Buddhists can appreciate.

Supporting Evidence: Atheism and Devotion in Buddhism (
2 points

Not every atheist is anti-theistic.

Lets examine the roots (components) of each word to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of them.

"A" is a prefix meaning both "not" and without". [1]

"Theism" is the belief in the existence of a god or gods.

"Anti" is a prefix meaning "against" [2]

If I live my life without a dog, am I anti-dog? No, it is simply a matter of deciding that I can not care for a dog right now.

If I live my life without a belief in the existence of a god or gods, am I then anti-god(s)? No, its simply a belief that the existence of a god or gods is of no significance to me. Simply put, god(s) do not matter to me. I can get along quite well without god(s), should he, she, it or them exist -- or not.

Atheism is simply the absence of belief in gods; anti-theism is a conscious and deliberate opposition to theism. Many atheists are also anti-theists, but not all. [3]




2 points

What is the absolute worst that can happen if gays are NOT allowed in the military?

We lose the "War on Terror?" As of June, 2007, 58 linguists fluent in Arabic have been kicked out of the military for being gay. This happened even as intelligence agencies complained about a shortage of linguists fluent in Arabic, and the military itself is desperate for Arabic translators. Winning the war on terror depends on having such people serving our nation.

What will happen if there is no anti-gay discrimination in the US military? All we need do is look to the countries where gays are allowed to serve openly in the military for an answer to that.

Research shows none of the countries with openly gay service members have been hurt by their non-discrimination policy. Our closest allies allow openly gay service members, including every member of NATO except Turkey.

The British military, our strongest ally in Iraq, has openly gay service members working alongside American forces. This has not caused any problems. Since the Persian Gulf War, United States forces have joined 20 joint military campaigns with other nations who have openly gay service members. A recent University of California study shows that in these 20 campaigns the American unit's cohesion, performance and morale did not suffer because of the presence of openly gay service members from other nations.

Gallup poll of the American public shows 72% support the right of gays and lesbians to serve in uniform. More significantly, the same Gallup poll found that 91% of young Americans (18-39) think that gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve openly. And that age group is by far the largest part of the military. A 2004 Annenberg Survey of military members and their families found that 50% of junior enlist personnel say that gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve openly in the military, up from 16% in 1992, and only 16% believed lesbian and gay service members were “bad for morale,” while just 12% thought allowing gays to serve openly would be “bad for teamwork.”

The military wastes millions of dollars each year investigating "violations" of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. With a huge budget deficit, this money could be better spent on projects that actually improve national defense

The FBI, CIA, and Secret Service, along with most police and fire departments around the United States, now allow openly gay Americans to serve in their ranks. These non-discrimination policies have not hurt performance, professionalism, or morale.

These arguments, by the way, are lifted from a Republican web site.

Supporting Evidence: What Republicans say (
2 points

I checked out other debate communities and selected some of the better debates to import to this community. I failed to notice that some have now ended. I mention this so you will know how and why these ended up here and, if you can also import debates, you will be informed to check to see if the debates are active first.

I looked around and see no option to delete the imported debates. Rats.

2 points

In case it matters, this is my official vote.


Disclaimer: "The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible".

But I don't care. Without dumb jokes, what would I do?

2 points

OK, coolness. I just checked out this feature and see I could add this debate to the pool of general debates on CreateDebate. Could, but did not. But this feature could be useful for substantive debates that we want to share with the larger community.

2 points

When you are viewing a debate, you'll notice there is a star next to the debate title. Here is how the star works:

If the debate only belongs to a single community then the star will be empty. If the debate belongs to multiple communities then the star will be solid.

To view a list communities that have claimed the debate, hover your mouse over the star. You can use the hover box to flip between the various communities.

To add a debate to the Essembly Alumni communities, the administrators can click on the star, select this community and click submit! They can use the debate star to fill this community with interesting debates to engage our members.

Sounds interesting and useful. Let's give it a try and see if we like it.

Non-admin folks: See if you can add a debate here like this also.

2 points

We will consider you an alien, as you are not an Essembly Alumni. However, just like Essembly was open to all, this debate community is public, and currently welcoming of everyone.

While anyone can join, there is a shared history here among the alumni, and some shared traditions.

For example, if you don't behave, you will be flagged!

Also Topic Wars. We might translate here as tag wars.

At this point, there are just 3 verified Alumni here. Most are hanging out on FaceBook in the Essembly 2.0 group. We shall see if any are persuaded to also become involved here.

1 point

I think viewing members of Essemby Alumni is limited to the community administrators. (At present Volker and I).

If people don't simply lurk here, you will see our members when they post a debate or an argument to one. I'll be looking into a way to make the membership transparent to all of us.

1 point

I made the change to "Essembly Alumni". If you liked "Essembly Refugees, make your argument and give it that tag. If you like another name, use that as a argument tag.

1 point

Essembly Refugees is an off-the-cuff name. It can be changed. What do you think the name of this debate community should be called? Essembly Alumni? Hey! That sounds kind of classy.

If you have an idea for a name, create a "tag" for your argument as a way of voting for your selection.

By the way. Have you noticed the potential of tags here? Remember topic wars? TAG WARS!

1 point

Just for the heck of it, I'm going to take the contrary position and pose the question, "Who was eligible to be a part of Essembly before it died?"

The answer? Anyone.

The issue then is are we going to fix a point in time and say membership in the "Essembly Refugee" debate community will be limited to people who were members of Essembly at some point? Or are we here going to accept anyone as a member as they could have been when Essembly was still around.

Lets save the Essembly Refugee Admins the trouble of having to police this debate community's membership roles and banning people simply because they were never a part of Essembly in the past. It's not like random people are going to be clambering to join us here, and if new (or even old folks for that matter) become troublesome, the

Admins can always ban them then.

Let's make this an open community!

1 point

Just for the heck of it, I'm going to take the obvious position and say that this debate community should be limited to people who were involved in Essembly.

CreateDebate allows you to form what they call a "Debate Community" for free. There is a cost to make it private. However, Administrators can see who is a member and can ban them. So, if we get enough Essembly people voting on this debate and making this choice, it would be up to any Administrators we select to do that job of policing the membership roles.

There is always the option for any and everyone to participate in debates in the wider CreateDebate community. But should we allow anyone and everyone in on this group? This is a "no" vote.

1 point

Hi Tom.

Along with you, Volker and I are members of the essemby "Debate Community" here on Create Debate. All of our activity is taking place on the main site however. I'm still getting to know how to use this site, so I'm uncertain how this little corner of it (this essembly debate community) works.

Can you see an option to view the members of this community?

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